

Jerry is an award winning director and producer currently based in New York City. Originally from Chicago, he found himself traveling to Singapore in 2008 to pursue his passion for filmmaking, and was the second class to go through the MFA program at NYU Tisch School of the Arts' asian campus in Singapore. After graduating he based himself in Asia for eight years creating branded content and broadcast television. Some of his clients include MTV, Sony, Las Vegas Sands, Kraft, Singtel, and more. He's also an accomplished filmmaker having directed and produced a number of short films.

During his free time you can find him trying to perfect his deep dish pizza recipe (cause that's the best pizza) or catch him attempting to make an audience laugh with him... or at him. He'll really take anything he can get. 



E: Jerryhw.Leu@gmail.com

T: 630.254.0632